Vuk Djordjevic


Dr. Vuk Djordjevic, principal research fellow holds the position of the head of Legumes Department at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad (IFVCNS). His research is cantered on breeding and genetics. He is dealing with conventional and molecular breeding, with a special focus on soybean quality improvement. So far, he has published over 250 scientific results in the form of scientific papers, chapters in monographs, announcements at national and international meetings and conferences. Dr. Djordjevic is the author and co-author of 75 soybean varieties, registered and realized in the country and abroad. He is one of the founders of the International Legume Society ILS, and he is a member of numerous scientific and professional associations. So far, he has participated in the implementation of over 20 projects on national and international level. He has managed five international projects.